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Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium Autumn Term  2020

We currently have 6 children who are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) These children are in our 'Happy Voices' group and have weekly 1 to 1, and small group opportunities to work with Mrs Kershaw-Green on a range of fun activities. Although we are not currently taking the children on external visits, we hope to plan some trips out when circumstances allow. In the past, trips have included; the theatre, park, local library and local shops. Activities in school include cooking, arts and craft, learning new games and songs, and supporting learning through play.

The impact of this initiative is to provide opportunities for children to further develop their language and social skills. The funding enables us to provide bespoke exciting and challenging opportunities for these children to enrich their learning.

The amount of additional funding we receive for EYPP children is 53 pence per hour per eligible child or about £100 per eligible child per term. This term the total amount is approximately £600.

Pupil Premium - are you eligible?

Pupil Premium letter to parents

Application Form

EYPP Progress and Attainment 2018/2019

Pupil Premium Data 2019-2020

EYPP summary 2019-2020
