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Lunch Club

Lunch Club   12.10 until 1pm


Henry Allen runs a lunch club which currently costs £4.50 per session.  Parents are asked to supply a light, healthy packed lunch and a drink.  Children who attend morning sessions are collected after lunch club at 1pm.  Children who attend afternoon sessions are brought to school at 12.10 noon.  Places are limited and applications can be made via the office for this popular service.  It is important that you feel sure your child is ready for the longer session before application is made for a place.  Children often stay for just one session a week at first.  Mrs Collins will invoice you termly and payment is requested in advance.


Children who attend love the experience of eating a packed lunch with friends and playing outside afterwards.  The staff are all qualified, experienced practitioners who work in the nursery during session time.    


We encourage parents to provide a healthy packed lunch which supports children to develop good eating habits from an early age. Healthy options which include fruit and vegetables and food with less sugar and salt content should be promoted.

Further information on healthy eating;

